क्रिया योग, सुदर्शन योग, सुदर्शन क्रिया, सोऽहं योग, सहज योग, राज योग आदि सब एक से एक अच्छे - किसको अपनाएं किको छोड़ें | कुल सार-सत है मन को साधना | जो भी हम अपनाएँ, एक बात पुनः पुनः सत्य है कि बाहर भागने और भटकने से कुछ नहीं मिलेगा | मिलेगा तो अपने ही अंदर | यदि अध्यात्म में रुचि है तो सुनें ये वीडियो, अच्छा लगेगा आपको |
What is ultimate goal ? Curiosity for divine things ? Achievements towards super natural things ? Different cult, method, schools, so called TV/Banner Guru ? How many methods to proceed for spiritual life ? Number of questions/doubts may disturb you to come to some conclusion for ultimate aim of life and how to really achieved that.
I have made this clips only for such viewers who are in a fix that what to adopt and what to leave. I am confident that after going through this clip you will fill relaxed.
For such many more please keep on watching Gopal Raju in You Tube.
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